Someone said “write what you know” and following that advice, I try to put a little law into my novels. In “Dragon’s Eye” it is a very small, more like the salt on your steak than anything more substantial.
In my novel Maddy worked for a law firm in New Zealand that successfully argued against extradition from New Zealand to Communist China because of its record of not respecting basic human rights. While Maddy and the law firm in my book are fiction ,the case is real and that holding was reached by a New Zealand court in 2019. Recent cases backtrack on that premise and set conditions for allowing extradition to China and have sparked some controversy. Interestingly, to me anyway, is a 2022 holding by the European Court of Human Rights questioning extradition to china on similar concerns for respect for human rights. These holdings have potentially profound implications.
And in case you are wondering, the United States does not have an extradition treaty with China .
And yes I know, a little law goes a long way.